Membership Prices

How do I get the passwords?
Before the increase in the subscription price:
Why won’t the bot add me?
If you are not added to the group then you have done something wrong
- You sent not one but two or three screenshots (you need one screenshot).
- You sent a screenshot to the bot at the wrong moment. You need to send it when you get a message from the bot asking you to send a screenshot.
Type /start in the bot now, then select product, plan (gold or standard), select pay, payment method, and then send the screenshot. – Watch video –
The password is wrong. What do I do?
The archives with effects were created on a computer with Windows operating system,
so on computers with Mac OS operating system there may be problems with archiving.
Try downloading and installing this archiver:
Unzip – RAR ZIP 7Z Unarchiver (This archiver works 100%)
I signed up for the “Gold” subscription but I was only added to one group. Why?
Type /subscription now in dialogue with the bot and subscribe to another group.